

Major Training faced the challenge of enhancing their educational services while catering to a wide array of learners. The goal was to streamline their operations and deliver tailored learning experiences for each individual's journey.



  • Kongo's expertise came into play as they orchestrated the seamless implementation of CRM, Marketing Hub, and Sales Hub.
  • This was customised to align with Major Training's unique requirements as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). The tailored CRM implementation catered specifically to the nuances of the vocational education landscape.

Key Achievements:


The partnership achieved remarkable milestones. Kongo's solutions aptly addressed Major Training's challenges. The comprehensive implementation of CRM, coupled with Marketing lead nurturing flows, created a cohesive ecosystem for reaching learners at every stage. The Sales Hub facilitated distinct learning journeys, enhancing Major Training's engagement strategies.


The collaboration made a tangible impact. Major Training experienced operational efficiency and a more personalised approach to engaging learners. The integrated systems enabled Major Training to offer tailored courses and support to each student.


The synergy between Major Training and Kongo underscores the potential of bespoke CRM solutions. By aligning Major Training's educational mission with Kongo's proficiency, a new dimension of vocational excellence was unveiled. Connect with Kongo today to explore how we can drive tailored solutions for your unique educational needs.